Request an Account

New users of the Cleft Registry and Audit NEtwork (CRANE) Database should register for an account, following steps 1 to 3 outlined below.

A. You will not be able to access the CRANE Database, without completing the registration process.

B. Accounts will only be issued to authorised cleft team staff – working within one of the following cleft teams in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland:

Cleft Services – in England, Wales and Northern Ireland Host Hospital(s)
Newcastle Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Leeds Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Liverpool* Liverpool Alder Hey Children’s Hospital
Manchester* Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Trent Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
West Midlands Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Cleft Net East Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
North Thames Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), jointly with

Broomfield Hospital in Essex

The Spires Salisbury District Hospital, jointly with

John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford

South Wales Swansea Bay University Health Board
South West University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Evelina London Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Northern Ireland Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
Scotland Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow

*The North West, Isle of Man and North Wales Cleft Lip and Palate Network

Note: More information on Cleft Teams can be found on the Cleft Lip & Palate Association (CLAPA) website


Registering for an account:

To request an account to access the Database, please add your information below.
The information you provide us with will be kept confidential, and will be stored securely in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  • Next, you will be asked to select the type of access you are requesting.

    Either Editor or Viewer, these are defined as:

    Editor - with rights to:

    • Search patient records.
    • Create, modify and delete patient records.
    • Import / upload collated outcomes data via spreadsheet / csv files.
    • View online reports on data completeness and consistency; and reports of registration and outcome indicators.
    • Export / download the data for those patients under your care.

    Viewer - with rights to:

    • Search and view patient records.
    • View online reports on data completeness and consistency; and reports of registration and outcome indicators.
    • Export / download the data for those patients under your care.

Your request will be reviewed by the project team, and authenticated before you receive an email with further steps to activate your account.

PLEASE ALLOW 5 WORKING DAYS for your request to be processed.

Many thanks,

The CRANE Team

NOTE: If you have any queries about this registration process please contact us on 020 7869 6139 or [email protected].

Last updated 23 November 2023